Sunday, April 10, 2011

The New Blog Schedule!

Hello All!

I've been looking at the poll results to see what everyone wants me to write about more often. And, after really thinking about how to incorporate everything, I made a new schedule for this blog. Here it is:

  • Music Mondays (This will be once every other week, and I will review a music album.)
  • Tidings Tuesdays (I will weigh in on a news event-tell the story and give my opinion. I would like this to be every week- but I'm going to have to ease into it first, so please be patient!)
  • Witty Wednesdays (I will find a really cool quote from a Catholic (most likely an author) and write a reflection on it. Again, I would like this to eventually be every week...)
  • Theater Thursdays (movie review every other week-the week I don't do a music review)
  • Free Fridays (My day off! No post!)
  • Worry-free Weekends (I will post anything I feel like- often encouragement like what I have been posting lately)
Now, like I said above, I would like to eventually do these as often as I planned. But, I'm going to need a little time and patience to get used to posting this often. So please bear with me!

I know the names sound cheesy, but I think this cool be really neat! I'm going to try it for a while, and then I'll hold a poll to see how everyone likes it!

I hope to have the first music album review tomorrow!

God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like quite a plan! I look forward to checking in! Whatever you do, keep writing!


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