Sunday, December 16, 2012

3rd Sunday of Advent: Rejoice!

Happy Gaudete Sunday!  Now is the time to rejoice, for the Savior of the World is coming soon!

As the priest at our local parish said, now is the time to prepare for Christ with renewed vigor, to make an extra effort to spend time reflecting upon the Son of God and His approaching arrival.

And so, if your efforts to TRAIN!!! this Advent have been strained, or your schedule too busy to set aside a few minutes to get ready for God, this week is the time to amend that, to "trim the hearth and set the table" as the song says, to celebrate the birth of Christ.

Here are my baby steps for the third week of Advent.  I'd give myself a B- for last week, and though I have a whole slew of excuses to justify such a low grade, I'll spare you from them.  Instead, I'm going to focus on doing much better this week, considering that Christmas is only NINE DAYS away!!!

To continue with the Magnificat Morning Prayer and 15 minute Bible reading
Do one of the Meditations from St. Francis de Sales's Introduction to the Devout Life
20 minutes of daily reading and writing
To do three weight-lifting exercises and two aerobics exercises this week

Don't forget to start your Christmas novenas today!
Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel shall come to you, oh Israel!
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