Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Breathe Catholic

Hello Everyone!

Thank you for your patience!

I have just returned from the Latin Immersion Camp at Christendom College, and I must say it was the best week of my life.

I learned and experienced many things while I was there, and the next few posts will be reflections on these different things.

Christendom College describes their campus atmosphere by saying that, "Catholicism is the air we breathe," A seemingly simple statement, yet once one actually goes and lives "breathing Catholic," it takes on a whole new meaning.

Every day, the female counselors invited us to start the day with the Morning Prayer. It was so nice, sitting in the new sunlight as we praised the name of the Lord together. After breakfast and Latin classes, we had Mass. Every day. It was the first time I had attended Daily Mass for a whole week, and my soul profitted so much from it. By relying on that time in Church, my life began to center more around Christ and less around myself. I could feel His presence so perfectly in The Chapel of Christ the King, for everyone was quiet and respectful while waiting for Mass to start. Every other Mass was in Latin, the altar servers were Catholic men from the college, the golden patens were held under the mouths of all those receiving, the Church smelled like incense from the frequent Adoration/Benediction services held, and the bells were used! It was so refreshing to be at Mass and feel comfortable, to be surrounded by such Catholic surroundings.

All the buildings were named after Saints (I stayed in St. Francis Hall), religious statues and artwork adorned the halls, classes, and campus, we prayed the Rosary together every day, said traveling prayers no matter how short a time we were spending in the van, almost all the campers wore scapulars or four-way crosses, and all classes started and ended with a prayer. There was no forgetting that Christendom is unapologetically Catholic!

This constant immersion in Catholicism made me realize how comfortable I had become with the disrespect and lack of religion in our modern-day culture. It brought my soul back to life, and re-ignited the greatest spiritual longing hidden within all of us- the desire to live our lives for Christ, so that one day we might come into perfect joy in Heaven.

I hope my mind, heart, and soul never become used to the world's standards again. Through resisting the norms of today, we can work to build a better, more Catholic community for those around us. And though it is not always possible to escape to havens like Christendom, by praying throughout the day and sincerely trying to do God's will above our own, we can continue to grow closer to Christ.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pray for Us

May God Bless All of You!

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