Sunday, November 27, 2011

Advent Begins!

Christmas Clipart Christian Wreath
So many wonderful new things are happening today!

First, Advent has begun.  This also means that this blog's background is going to be purple (and pink) for the next four weeks.  There aren't many purple choices, so I'll only be changing the background once a week.

Second, the new Mass translation was used for the first time in Mass today!  What are your thoughts?  There weren't as many changes as I had expected there to be, but overall I liked them.  As far as I'm concerned, the more reverent and close to the Latin translation we can get, the better.  Our priest gave a wonderful homily about the need to be respectful and how we, as a Church, need to re-awaken our awe and fear of God.

Third, with the beginning of Advent come the emergence of all sorts of new decorations (Advent wreaths, La Posada statues, Jesse trees, Advent calendars, etc.) and purple accessories (I have two scarves I save just for Advent, and wear them only during this time).  What kind of things do you all do during Advent?  I'm looking for new decorating ideas and different traditions to try.

I want to thank you all for your patience.  I plan to finish up this "We're Selling the News" series this week; I hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving and I wish you all a prayerful, joyful Advent!

God Bless

Image from


  1. In our parish (in Australia) we've been gradually changing to the full mass over several weeks, so the first full mass wasn't a shock for us at all, though all the old people in our parish still have trouble changing over.

    During Advent, we use a Jesse tree we made ourselves. Dad reads the reading after dinner and we take it in turn to put the symbols on the tree.

    We also put up our homemade nativity scene. For every good deed we do during advent, we put down a cardboard straw. Our goal is to have all the straws in the stable by the end of advent.

    For the journey of the magi, our three wise men move around the house from the first Sunday in advent to the feast of the three kings. We've made it into a bit of a game. Mum hides the magi, and we find them.

    I never thought of wearing purple accessories for advent. It's certainly an idea I'd like to consider.

  2. Imogen,

    Wow, you're from Australia! That is so cool!

    Yes, I have a feeling many of the older people who have been saying the same thing for so many years are going to have a hard time! :)

    I have tried to do a Jesse Tree, but unfortunately I am horrible about keeping up with it, since I am the only one who likes doing it.

    This is the first year I had heard about the straw tradition; it's such a sweet idea and a good way to keep the focus on Jesus.

    I love what you all do with the Magi!!! I'm definitely going to try to get my Mom to do it next year, or at least do it when I have my own family!

    Yes, it was actually my mom's idea. She bought be a purple scarf last year and that was when I started looking for other purple things to wear during this time.

    Thank you for visiting my blog; I apologize for the delayed response.

    God Bless!


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