Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Paschal Mystery

"As if that were not enough, He invented the Eucharist:
a God who makes Himself into bread, a little host, in order to descend onto our lips
and into our hearts, to bridge all distance between Himself and us."

I Believe in Love by Fr. Jean C.J. d'Elbee
p. 9

Post to come tomorrow!

God Bless!

Picture from: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lifeisaprayer/3394376756/sizes/m/in/photostream/


  1. Great reminder - what a precious gift we have in the Eucharist!

  2. Yes, lately Christ has really been helping me grow in devotion to His Eucharistic Heart. It is a most precious gift! God Bless!


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